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Artist Biography ~ Joana Ubach

Joana Ubach (contemporary)



I paint on aluminum to capture light within forms. My inspiration comes from light as it interacts with the balance between negative and positive shapes. I became fascinated with capturing the various dimensionalities of light during my experience as an astronomy and optics teacher. Using the combination of the two mediums, oil and aluminum, provide a unique dimensionality to the imagery, bringing movement of light to the organic forms beneath thin and thick layers of paint. The movement of light is an element that I incorporate in each piece to capture the light that reflects back in all elements in nature.
My process of painting is spontaneous and calculated. I start by sanding down the aluminum piece to establish the light movement for the composition. Once the painting process starts, I allow the forms to be fluid with the oil paint and the aluminum. To contrast with the oil paint layers, I use a scraffito technique to reveal the aluminum surface. The dynamic between the placement of light, the location of the observer, and the reflective properties of the aluminum add an extra dimension to the art. Each viewer has a different experience depending on the physics and the manipulation of light.



2011 M.F.A. Academy of Art University, San Francisco, CA
2007 B.A. Anthropology and Studio Art, Magna Cum Laude, University of Arizona
2007 B.A. Fine Art, Magna Cum Laude, University of Arizona
2003 Certificate of High Academic Recognition, Missouri House of Representatives
2001 Concours National de Français, Award for Academic Merit


2011 Landscape, Sapore, San Francisco, CA
2010 Close Up, Metamorphosis, San Francisco, CA
2009 Art by Joana Ubach, Sapore, San Francisco, CA
2008 Suffusion Triptych, College Place, Tucson, AZ


2013 Ian Ross Gallery Soft-Opening, Ian Ross Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2012 Art Share, The Westinghouse Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
2012 GRO Annual Juried Show, “Duration”, Point Reyes, CA
2012 Group Show, Atelier Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2011 Best of Show, Art Directors Club Gallery, New York, NY
2011 Annual Spring Show, Academy of Art University, San Francisco, CA
2011 Works by Chantelle Allen and Joana Ubach, Sapore, San Francisco, CA
2008 Night of 1,000 Drawings, Dinnerware Artspace, Tucson, AZ ART


2011 1 ST Place for Abstract painting, MFA program.
2005-2006 The University of Arizona, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences: Deans List with Distinction: Highest Academic Distinction
2003 Missouri House of Representatives, Certificate of Recognition 2001 Concours National de Francais from Association Americaine des professeurs de Français